When the first daffodils started popping up their head at Christmas time in the courtyard, followed by many more everywhere else on the premises this month, we could be forgiven for thinking Spring had arrived at Rosemoor.
A few weeks ago we took a break in Somerset. On our first full day there we received a Whatsapp from a neighbour with a blurry picture, showing the trees next to our gate with something dark and big in it, accompanied by ‘Wow’ and an appropriate emoji.
When asked what it was, she said it looked like somebody’s shed. This got us really worried as on the other side of our drive stands our boiler house and log store. Would they be damaged, did we need to drive back to Pembrokeshire and find out?
A call to our nearest neighbour put us fully in the picture. At the back of our boiler house and log store, just on the other side of the dividing bank, sits a big shed of the farmer next door. On the day we left for Somerset, Pembrokeshire experienced 90 miles an hour winds and one half of the roof of his shed was completely lifted off. Now, those of you that have a clear view in their head of what our entrance looks like know that our buildings are quite big and high next to the gate and are surrounded by mature trees. Somehow, this enormous piece of roof (which, apparently, was not properly strapped down when they replaced it about two years ago) got lifted so high that it cleared the boiler house – including its chimney – the roof of the log store as well as the trees, to eventually land at the top of an oak on the other side of our drive! That no buildings were damaged and no persons were hurt is a miracle.
Two neighbours and the farmer who owns the shed cleared the roof out of the tree during our absence, so when we got home we only had to work on the damaged oak and clear away the remaining debris. Several days work with a chain saw, loppers, secateurs and an axe has now ensured a few ton bags of kindling and some nice wood to dry for next year.
Moral of this story: never be fooled by daffodils, always take a break when high winds are predicted, make sure you have good neighbours and a fair bit of luck, and keep your chain saw well oiled and sharpened, as well as all your other tools. Oh yes, and make sure your next door farmer straps down his roof properly.