All remaining cottages for May receive a 20% discount using voucher code WEB052024. Discounts will be automatically applied when completing the voucher code during booking.
News & Offers
May 2023 discounts
We have several cottages discounted leading up to the end May BH week. Discounts will be automatically applied when booking but if you would like to have an overview follow this link.
My sweet Valentine
We offer a free bottle of bubbly if you book to stay for any lenght of time in the week from 10-18 February 2023. Just add voucher code J8VI8 to your booking and we will take care of the rest. Why not take your beloved away for a few days?
Summer offer
We offer a 10% discount if you book a stay in any of our cottages between the 1st of July and the 31st of August 2022. Just add voucher code 10SUM22 to your booking and the discount will be automatically applied.
Latest News: Covid restrictions lifted
From the 30th of May 2022, all Covid-restrictions have been lifted. Mask wearing is still advised in certain circumstances such as health- and care settings, shops and on public transport. The public will still be asked (as opposed to required) to remain vigilant and test/self-isolate in case of suspected Covid. We as a business are still required to have mitigating measures in place to prevent the spread of Covid.
Up to date information of current rules a/o guidance can be found here.
Electric Car Chargers installed
Since June of 2021 we have two charging points for plug-in battery electric vehicles on site. They are operated through an app or the internet, and allow our visitors to charge their car without any hassle. The chargers deliver 7.2 kW, making for a fast charge, and have Type 2 connectors – the most common ones in use. Payment is based on the amount of charge taken, without any special connection fees or the like.
With this addition we are able to serve the fast growing contingent of drivers of electric cars, future-proofing Rosemoor, and making it even more of a green destination.